OKLAHOMA CITY - This years’ “Quarantine Halloween” was a little weird for everyone, including churches who use the sugar-filled holiday as an outreach.
Bible Methodist Church in Oklahoma City started it's "Candy Through the Bible" night a few years ago. The concept of this "trunk-or-treat" involves decorating cars in a parking lot and having children go from car-to-car to get candy as opposed to the door-to-door "trick or treat" activity.
This year, the church had a drive-through version of the "Candy Through the Bible" event. Visitors could get a speaker which had a track for each station that told about the Biblical story associated with each candy stop.

The "Trunk or Treat" kicked off at 6:30 p.m. Halloween night and was supposed to end at 8:30, but cars kept coming. The candy supply ran dry after the final cars went through around 9:15 that evening.

This car portrayed the "Garden of Eden," from the Biblical creation story. In the story of Adam and Eve. Visitors to this care received a caramel apple sucker to represent the forbidden fruit.

This car was decorated to depict the Bible story of Noah and the Ark. The candy selection here were Skittles, which represented the rainbow which appears at the end of the Biblical story.

Handing out candy at one stop was Caleb Stetler (right) and former EPIC student Ayden Witter (right) who portrayed the Biblical story of David and Goliath.

In another view of David and Goliath, you can see the background and sword which were both made by Witter. David and Goliath handed out the candy "Whoppers" to symbolize the stones the Bible says David used to slay the giant.

This van represents the "whale" that swallowed the Biblical character of Jonah and provided "Dum-Dum" suckers in honor of the story of the prophet that ignored instructions and ended up spending three days inside a large fish.

"Kit Kat" bars represented the big cats the Biblical character Daniel faced when he was thrown into the lion's den.

One thing missing this year was a small blimp advertising the event. The decision to cut the blimp was due to the nationwide shortage of helium. Last year filling up the blimp cost $250 due to the cost of helium.

The Biblical Christmas story, which represents the birth of Jesus, handed out "Life Savers" candy.